Frequently Asked Questions

Got questions that haven’t been answered here? Need advice on any of our templates or Canva questions?
Drop us an email at, fill out the form below or use our Live Chat function.

Products purchased on Lead & Launch are digital assets, which means that nothing physical will be shipped out to you. Your digital product will be available to download as soon as payment is confirmed and will be stored in your Lead & Launch online account for you to access at any time.

You may:
Access the Products for Your personal use and use in Your business.
Download and/or print any Products materials for Your personal use in Your business.

You may not:
Re-sell or trade your access to the Products.
Share the Products with anyone else who has not yet purchased. Reprint, repurpose or republish any of the Products, in part or in whole.
Distribute any of the materials contained in the Products or related materials and/or communications as Your own (i.e. plagiarizing and stealing).
Reproduce and tweak any part or whole of the Products for distribution as Your own work.
Claim ownership or use over any of Our intellectual property without Our prior consent, which includes (but is not limited to): copyrights such as course materials, worksheets, workbooks, lessons, videos, and more; trademarks such as names, logos, taglines, or other unique source identifiers; or trade dress including the look and feel of the Products (and its related communications and materials).
Use Our Products or any related materials and/or communications in an unlawful way or for any illegal or unlawful purpose(s).

In order to use our graphic design templates, you will need to create a free account at Our templates do not require a Canva® Pro account and once uploaded to your Canva® account, can be customised for your business and re-used without limit for personal or commercial use. Our templates are protected by copyright which means that you are prohibited from reselling any part of any template as an end-product. You can use the templates to share and promote your own services and products as long as the end product for sale are not the templates themselves.

Check out this video for a step-by-step guide on how to use the templates once you have purchased and downloaded them.

Lead & Launch is in no way affiliated with Canva®.

Our swipe files are shared with you through Google Drive, which means that you will need to create a free Google Drive account to edit, save and use the files. Please note that you can edit the files as soon as you have clicked “MAKE A COPY” and recreated a copy of the document inside your own Google Drive. Swipe files work best when the copy is edited to sound more authentic to you, your brand and your business so while you can reproduce and share the copy as is, it is recommended that you tweak it to suit your own audience and voice.

Check out this video for a step-by-step guide on how to use the swipe files once you have purchased and downloaded them.

Our goal is to make every effort to ensure that you are pleased with the products you purchase on Lead & Launch! Since all of our products are digital and cannot be returned, we cannot offer refunds but will do our best to help you get your purchase up and running so that you can start using templates, swipe files and guides in no time!

If you are experiencing any technical difficulties with your purchase, please contact us through the chat feature on the website or by emailing us on

Please note that Lead & Launch will permanently close accounts from which we have received any chargebacks.

Previous purchases will no longer be available for access in this case. Any PayPal disputes will automatically disable your account until the dispute is resolved.

The best browser to use when editing templates in Canva is Google Chrome. Canva templates sometimes tend to misbehave when you view them in Safari, but will download correctly anyway. If you can, go Chrome!

